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Nem said:
LadyJasmine said:

You do forget she was running against Donald Trump? So really, in the end, she had all the ability and advantages to win but it was her lack of abilities that made her lose? 

The fact is she can't face up to the humiliating fact she lost to Trump and it bitching about everyone else hurt her.

If she had any shame and self-respect she should shut up and obscure into the dust bin of history where she belongs. 


I am sick and tired of people like you making excuses for should be like you failed us Hillary... 

What makes you think i don't think it's her fault? She had a messaging problem. That is why she lost. The world is full of simpletons. If you don't have a clear and simple message you won't reach more. 

With that said, it is also hard to argue that the nothing burger email leaks damaged her numbers wich might've been enough to tell a different story. But, it's not something we will ever know.

And quite honestly i'm also sick of people spreading lies like many people spread alegations about her without any proof that ended up beeing false. I don't think it's ok to condemn the innocent and give an out of jail free card to the guilty, in this case Trump. There is something very wrong with the US and quite honestly i'm seeing as part of the problem presently. 

She has admited to guilt. You are not gonna get anything else from this. 

Hillary has her self to blame with her constant lying and flip-flopping in the past she had no real credibility compared to someone like Obama. As a result, it was very easy to paint her with fake news and more lies... Reality is someone as flawed as she should not have even run... 

Now she is writing a book and making millions and making herself into a victim...

You do understand why people don't like her This is like exhibit A...