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ecurbj said:
youjiro said:
its soooo fustrasting losing boss battles! i hate it because i'll be there all day trying to do it.and i hate looking at online guides for hints and tips because i think of it as cheating. but at times its ok because theres normally some kind of save point before the battle, not some mini bosses take the piss

right now i'm playing lost odyessey on the 4th disc and i'm on a series of boss battles which is taking the piss because i was totally unprepared for this series of battles... better get back to work soon

What I learned about RPG's from my sister is to train and level up your squad before going against a boss.

I made that mistake in Final Fantasy X. I was so fustrated trying to take out this boss called Seymour. He was hard as hell but I eventually thrashed him after leveling up my squad and selecting the right people that were suited for that battle.

ye thats the case for most rpg's, train and level up, and yes i did that for FFX as well. as for LO you can only level up a certain amount in areas, so if anything most boss battles come down to strategy and a little buit of luck

wii friend code: 3164-3458-9149-5470

PSN ID: youjiro87

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