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starcraft said:

Regardless of whether MGS4 turns out to be timed or fully exclusive to the PS3, it is quite clear that Sony offered either direct payment or incentives of a certain value to keep the title on their system only.

The sheer cost of developing the title and the PS3's relatively small userbase would have made substantial profit for Konami impossible to achieve without financial support from Sony.

I fully expect this entire thread to be speculation, but I am interested all the same.  My questions are:

- How much do you believe Sony paid for MGS4 exclusivity?

- What form do you believe these payments took?

- Will the hardware boost to the PS3 be worth it?

They would have paid a lot for it. Now the nature of the exclusivity will indicate the price tag of such exclusiveness. We have to wonder, how much Sony is being charged for every 80gb bundle they sell. Since they have to pay for it, perhaps that is the reason why its in the 80gb pack and not the 40gb pack due to perhaps this extra cost? I would expect they make more money or lose less money on that pack than the 40gb model.

Payments: Direct payments? Full or high price on bundled software? Deferred royalties for future games? Its hard to say, whichever it is im sure Konami made sure that Sony paid full price for this. Read MILLIONS!

Lastly: I don't know, we don't have any numbers yet... wait a month and we'll see what the console sales picture looks like then.

