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Erik Aston said: Saying PS3 and 360 are helping "art" but Wii is not is like saying Classical music is "art", but Rock'n'Roll is not, or that "Pulp Fiction" is art, but "Shrek" is not. People who say things like that are elitists, or have been influenced by elitists to have narrow definitions of "art." Art can have many goals--it can intend to illicit many different responces--and videogames, due to the fact that there is an interactive element, can do more different things than most art forms. And the status of something as "art" deals neither with the type of responce it is trying to create, nor with the quality of the project itself. Any entertainment which follows an artistic process is most certainly part of art.
Thanks for spelling that out for me. I didn't want to catogorize people. But I picture Hecker to be like a movie snob. He'll watch the independent or foreign films, but then turn his nose when Will Ferrell is playing.

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