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*bleu-ocelot* said:
Kasz216 said:
darthdevidem01 said:

for some weird reason I see this HATE for FF13 while just love for every other random JRPG announced....

Like apparently Last Remnant & IU look better than FF13...als FF CC for Wii looks better than FF13

Probably because most hardcore JRPG fans think that their has been at best 1 good FF in the last 6. (That 1 changing depending on the person.)

Considering we know NOTHING about FF13 other then it stars female cloud and it looks pretty.... i'd actually agree with that assessment that currently last remnant and IU look better then FF13... since the FF13 brand name just isn't their with quality anymore. New IPs bring the hope of a fresh new outlook, rather then Final Fantasy's "Boy it sure looks great, so ignore the story" way of going about things.


And yet you Praise SO and IU,based on what?


"New IPs bring the hope of a fresh new outlook, rather then Final Fantasy's "Boy it sure looks great, so ignore the story" way of going about things."

Personally I think all 3 look meh though... the Enix side of Square Enix is where all the talent seems to be. Underrated Enix is. Their company was worth more then square at the time of the merger afterall.  Not only did they make good games they had a good eye for what makes a good game and mostly published gems as well.