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your mother said:
Bonafide732 said:
This is the dumbest thread yet... There have been 4 Gran Turismos People... Count em 4!!! you re just getting enough balls to complain about car damage>??? GT5 is gonna suck just because it wont Have car damage??? 8 million people dont agree with you... i for one would like car damage... but the game wont suck just because it wont have it... and yes Forza 2 is a good game but... The GT SERies is overall better... and this is coming from a person who loves both...

No. GT5 simply shouldn't be considered a racing sim, period. Apart from that, it's actually quite fun as an arcade racer.

Forza is also a fun racing game, but a simulator it ain't either.

And what does the number of GTs out on market have anything to do with people complaining about car damage?

As far as I'm concerned I've complained about the lack of damage modeling for GT the second I found out they billed the game as a simulation.


just because GT doesnt have car damage its an arcade racer thats ludacris...  the number of GT's out on the market tells you that people really dont care about car damage that much....

games like Forza and GT sell off of their visuals gameplay and style... GT has all 3



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