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I thought this was both interesting and exciting.

As of this point we have seen four kingdoms via the E3 gameplay footage, which are The Metro Kingdom, The Sand Kingdom, The Wooded Kingdom, and The Luncheon Kingdom. While everything I saw suggested this was an awesome game, I was a tiny bit concerned that those four kingdoms didn't look large enough to meet the standards of a 3D Mario game, and there were rumors circulating that the game was indeed limited to those four, with the Metro Kingdom serving as the hub.

Since then, though, the devs have clarified that the Metro Kingdom isn't a hub (and that there's no true "hub" to begin with, saying it was a product of the limits of technology at the time). People then saw on some promotional maps that there was a "Cascade Kingdom" and a "Cap Kingdom", and Nintendo themselves went on to reveal the "Seaside Kingdom".

Well, people have since been scouring all boxart and illustrations that they can find, and on the boxart for amiibo being released in Russia, some savvy fan found "The Mushroom Kingdom", "The Snow Kingdom", and "The Lake Kingdom" all labeled on the box with the others.

So at this point there appears to be at least 10 Kingdoms in the game; as these images are generally obstructed, there might be more that haven't been spotted yet. I think I'm already at maximum hype for this game, but this certainly dispelled the only lingering doubts I had.

Is there anything else you guys hope they spot in the game? The only thing I can think of that would be neat to see is if they show some love to Sarasaland from Super Mario Land; there were many interesting creatures and such in that one that they've never really revisited, and it looks like the Sand Kingdom may be based on it (we've already seen inverted pyramids, the lion, and Moai statues). 
