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Shrug, I want to play Resident Evil 5 and Final Fantasy XIII, but both are a while off, and Resident Evil significantly changed their style from previous versions with 4, so it'll be interesting just to see how they've continued the series. Some games may not be so interesting for me, but meh, I'm not Japanese, nor a Famitsu writer. Admittedly, the anticipation of Brawl is much higher, but that's because it'll be out much sooner, and everything I've seen I've liked, rather than some hesitations for other games.

With MGS4 contain a naked Raiden again? Will the Dragon Quest games still continue to use nonsensical bunny costumes for female charecters? Will Final Fantasy XIII actually have a story and characters rather than just being pretty and boring this time?

Will anyone else notice that 30% of that list was Final Fantasy/Dragon Quest titles? Anyone else want to form a "Dragon Fantasy" series and see how well that name alone will sell in Japan?

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.