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Today's Famitsu issue features first details about a private event Square Enix is going to have on the 2nd and 3rd of August called DK Σ 3713. If you'd like to be able to go you'll need to buy next week's Famitsu issue where there will be more information.

It's not a two day event, but 6 sessions of the same thing spread over 2 days, 3 sessions a day. 400 people will be selected for each session, 10am, 1:30pm and 5pm respectively.

Some speculation onto the name:

D - Dragon Quest, Dissidia
K - Kingdom Hearts
Σ - Sigma Harmonics
3 - Kingdom Hearts 3, The 3rd Birthday
7 - Final Fantasy 7 (Advent Children Complete)
13 - Final Fantasy 13

Update: Square Enix has revealed the official site of the event and now here's the confirmed list of games:

- Final Fantasy XIII (PlayStation 3)

- Final Fantasy Agito XIII (Mobile)

- Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PlayStation 3)

- Kingdom Hearts Coded (Mobile)

- Kingdom Hearts358/2 Days (Nintendo DS)

- Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (Sony PSP)

- Dissidia Final Fantasy (Sony PSP)

- The 3rd Birthday (Mobile)

- Sigma Harmonics (Nintendo DS)

- Final Fantasy VII AC Complete (Blu-Ray)

Official DK Σ 3713 website