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DélioPT said:


The first part of your post highlights exactly what I'm talking about in your replies in that you come up with things that aren't even said in this this case when you are told more products doesn't automatically mean more consumers your response is arguing against everyone having the same tase when that was never said, it also highlights how you again have no response to the Gen 2 example.

Xbox was at 20m 3 years into its life when MS annouced they were dropping it sales dropped after that as MS cut all support for it, its performance was very similar to what X1 does tbh it just couldn't match the PS2. The rest of your sentence again makes no sense I think its time you sit down and reread things properly as you're starting to come up with random comments now.

No mate you brought in consoles vs portables when I highlighted that before Gen 7 they were on even footing at which you tried claiming consoles were always ahead then I showed you the performance of them which started your goal post moving shenanigans and yes they were on even footing because the one platform you're comparing selling 118m means it outsold all other platforms like it or not these are cold hard numbers you can't deny in any shape or form I'll keep telling you that until you swallow it.

No I compared GB to SNES and MD not the GBA, this is again another example of you failing to remember the points you're arguing against I'm starting to think you're well out of your league here at this point.

GBC was another model for the GB a platform already out and it took 9 years for them to finally have a portable with color when that tech was around and viable for years prior why? Because the was no strong competition to force the issue you claiming its progression is like saying New 3DS is significant progression because it has a better processor, this circumstance flat out shoots down your whole narrative here, Sony shook the industry and Nintendo with their anouncement that they're entering the portable market with the PSP to the point Nintendo had to drop GBA to bring forward the DS to not risk another PS1 style takeover. The fight Sony and the PSP put up influenced their R&D which is what competition does. No changing points here you just seem to be struggling and tripping over your own arguments.