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Wyrdness said:
DélioPT said:


Again as I've told you more products doesn't mean more consumers, Gen 2 already highlighted this when presented with this rebuttal you side stepped it entirely as you had no answer for it.

Xbox had plenty of life in it right when MS anounced they were dropping the platform was when games that were PS2 exclusives were making their way over to the platform, games like the GTA saga, Onimusha, Project Zero and so on, the platform already was getting multiplatform titles and was gaining drive only for MS to can it.

You brought in consoles vs portables and it backfired on your whole argument to the point you still have no response to it all your replies to it are practically pointless clutter that tries to dismiss the numbers but ends up coming across as more desperate to save a dead horse hence why most of it is not making any coherent sense you can't even properly remember the points you're arguing against at this point whether it's a lack of understanding on your part or you being on tilt as you're creating arguments againsts points you can't even properly recall. The numbers back my point that portables and consoles were on even footing in the west up until the PS2 which I didn't say this is when the shift happened I highlighted the shift started in gen 7 the gen after it with the 360 and such as I regard both the DS and PS2 gaming anomalies in their performances.

Another case of you trying to move goal posts again, having failed with the GB now you want to bring GBA back to a previous Gen when it released with the PS2 and such because ironically moving posts before didn't help your stance so lets move other platforms to different gens maybe that will revive the dead horse.

It's not a what if scenario you know why? Because DS was not PSP level of performance so had Sony not entered we would have had the GBA for a while into the DS so no this was practically proven but circumstances already. Read your own post GBC releases in 98 while the original model of GB released in 89, that's 9 years of a platform that didn't have a color display despite the fact that tech was viable and ready for portables long before then congratulations you just proved my point about strong competition forcing issues.

More products don't bring in more consumers?
So your answer is that everyone has the same tastes and those 16m done by the Vita would automatically result in more 16m sales for 3DS (even if Vita owners were already 3DS owners).

Yes, a console that sold around 20m in 4 years had plenty of life in it.
I imagine the things you could say about GBA's 67m done in 4 years and the other 15m done against PSP and DS (who in their first did 19-20m combined), with around 10m sold in 2006-2007... no, wait, you see this as irrelevant for comparison towards XB and 3DS+Vita comparison.

"You brought in consoles vs portables "
No, you brought it with your market shift argument claiming that there was a time where handhelds sold better than home consoles (then you changed it to "they are selling on par").
"my point that portables and consoles were on even footing in the west up until the PS2"
No they weren't.
If you look at sales just for the west for both portables and home consoles, the values are (estimated to be) 270m vs 100m, in favor of home consoles.

You compared GBA with SNES+MD.
I asked the point of that comparison and why you didn't compare it with the following gen.

Of course you'd have GBA for more years. And that proves what?
When did i say that competition doesn't make things happen?
What i said, and what you forgot to mention, was that you wanted to prove that DS and 3DS happened because of Sony. That was your first point.
I argumented that there was a clear difference between what your "narrative" described and what happened (2 old tech consoles, with the latter being a DS 2.0).
After that you came with that talk that Nintendo would have lingered and not done anything relevant if they were left alone. I pointed out that despite having GBC for 3 years on the market, they still brought the GBA (a sign that Nintendo wouldn't slack as you implied).

Look, there's no point in keeping this conversation if you change points all the time and ignore stuff like more products = more consumers (i even gave smartphones as an example of that being true) and ideas like market and sales appeal (the GBA vs XB, for example).