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Couple Fantasy Football related announcements...

First off, here's the 5 billionth reminder that the draft is at 2:30 PM EDT on Sunday. If your name is Mike321 or NobleTeam 360, please respond to my message/post here and confirm that you'll actually participate and not just sign up and proceed to waste a team spot.

Secondly, if you're interested in joining, there's still one more spot open. Today's the last day before I start fishing for someone from beyond the wide world of VGC to take the last opening, so if you want to ensure an open spot, sign up now.

Finally, a couple of draft related notes:

The draft will be a snake draft. The person that picks last in the 1st round will pick first in the 2nd round, the person that picks next to last in the 1st round will pick second in the 2nd round...the person that picks first in the 1st round will pick last in the 2nd round. This will, in theory, anyway, put everyone on equal footing regardless of your draft pick.

Additionally, having the draft order be announced a head of time has been requested. Unfortunately, doesn't provide a way to randomize a draft order ahead of time, so either we need some suggestions on how to randomize this without the potential for bias, or you're going to all have to trust me (or someone else) to not abuse the RNG. Open to suggestions.

One last thing; choose an av for your team if you haven't already. That default logo is really boring to look at.