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Actually that is wrong. The correct street term for MDMA is "Molly". "Ecstasy" refers to MDMA that is cut with a secondary drug such as coke, meth, heroin, Mesculine etc.

Really hope people don't see this article and jump to conclusions.

Furthermore, even standard MDMA, while therapeutic, does come with severe side effects. Essentially the drug acts as a key to the glands that store and produce serotonin or dopamine in your brain. While you're under the influence of the drug, your brain is dumping the serotonin/dopamine stored in these glands which is where the feeling of happiness and euphoria comes from. Over time these glands wear out due to these kinds of drugs as they are being overworked beyond normal conditions. The end result of repeated use of such substances is an inability by these glands to produce natural serotonin/dopamine at a regular level - ie, you will not be as naturally happy after prolonged exposure to the drug.

In lamens terms, MDMA and ecstacy will make you feel great temporarily. But you're destroying your brains ability to create happiness on its own. This comes from personal experience with the drug in my high school years as well as how I observed the way it affected others, in addition to research that is readily available on the web.

Ultimately not worth it if you can't regulate your use! It has a long term negative affect on how happy you will be while off the drug!