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vkaraujo said:
Hiku said:

Yeah that wasn't really clear.
Get everyone in Sansa's life killed so he could manipulate her more easily when she is by herself? But no one ever had to point out to her that she shouldn't trust Littlefinger. She was always the first one to acknowledge that. And he should know that she doesn't trust him, and never will after what he did to someone else he claimed to love.

It seemed like his ambitions were far higher than just Sansa previously.

That's how his story ends?
Begging for his life after failing to get rid of one Stark girl, when his ambitions seemed much more grandiouse before.

That said, the way he died still felt satisfying in some ways. But rushed, and not due to the circumstances I would have expected of someone with his ambitions.
For all his talk of climbing the ladder of chaos, he was stuck at the lower steps aiming for Sansa. I expected him to get a bit higher, or at least allude to his goals in a more concrete way, before getting killed. Even if it would be by Sansa.

I got no satisfaction from that at all, only disgust for the series.

They try to create this whole atmosphere of sisters outsmarting Baelish, but the truth is that even with Professor Xavier on their side, the real Littlefinger would handle them their asses in an actual trial. There is not one thing they can actually prove that matters or is not already public knowledge. Out of my head, I believe the main accusations were

1 - Killing Lysa - Which is just plain stupid, since Sansa had testified IN FAVOR of Baelish 2 seasons ago. Not only this would never stick, but actually brings this up would just mean LF's can point how much inconsistent she is and tear her up from there, or just claim her as a partner in this crime. This is the one thing Sansa could NEVER bring up.

2- Making Lysa write lies to instigate Starks against Lannister - The letter was written by Lysa and then BURNED by Cat. Are you freaking kidding me?

3- Putting a knife on Ned's throat - Was this not public Knowledge? There were like 40 persons in the room at the time. Would Cersei just let everyone knows about this after LF's ally with the north. Would it matter? Officially Ned was throwing a cue. Hell Ned actually publicly acknowledges this to avoid the war.

Also very rich comming from someone married to a Lannister and wrote a letter asking for their own family to bend the knee and submit to Joffrey. I can honestly just picture LF laughing at this point.

4- Selling her to the Boltons - I am honestly just confused.
Is this a secret? Does anyone knows what LF's got from deal? Do we (the viewers) know what he got from this deal? Hell, does even LF knows what he got? The show always seemed to imply that LF had no idea about how the Boltons were. How responsible is him for Bolton action? Even if he knew they were jerks, would he be responsible? What is the goddam accussation here?

Not only it took ex-machina over ex-machina to get LF's to a tight spot, but LF's had to be complete out of character, and for me this makes this scene one of the worst I ever saw on a show or movie. There is so much wrong going on there that I think this will be an example of how not to do a plot twist.

And this is not to point other things like how the build up of Sansa and Arya making threats in particular conversations or sending Brienne away just made them look stupid, or to point out this was the first time a Stark passed a sentence, but did not swinged the sword.

The last part of your thing also bothered me. Even Arya acknowledged it at some point.

Granted Sansa probably has never held a sword in her life, but it would have been a cool callback had she been the one.