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Say what now??? And what is exactly that normal viewing distance and normal screen size???? I have a 50" 4k (no HDR) screen at 11ft viewing distance for the past 2 years and use to have a 45" at 8ft 1080p and I can tell the difference and it's really noticeable and I'm talking pixel... Then again I have more than perfect eye sight but even my wife does... I'm getting a 55" or 65" 4k HDR set soon and at 11ft it'll still be noticeable... And I feel pretty normal... Any of my friends that either play games or watch movies have TVs equal or above 50", heck even my 66 yo mum does.... And the one that don't have 4k are quite noticeable especially closer than 11ft like... I call BS on patchter and you.... It's like people saying speakers with a lower and higher sound frequency spectrum than the audible sound are useless... Those people are just clueless.. It gives depth and sharpness to the sound... Here it's the same even if you can't pixel count pixels from where you seat it does clearly give sharpness to the picture...if not check your eye sight