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It would take a company equally dedicated to raw quality of hardware and software to devise a success like that of the Wii. Sony falls short in raw quality of software (theirs tend to focus on specific demographics and lack the polish in controls found in most Nintendo games), Microsoft in raw quality of hardware (see the 360's many issues), and Apple practically doesn't do software of the kind that a video game console does.

As it stands, the only company whose focus is consistently to produce affordable, differentiated hardware and widely-appealing, fluidly controllable software is Nintendo. For any of the other big players to be able to pull off the Wii, they would have had to re-mold their processes to basically mirror Nintendo's. That's not to say that they couldn't, but none of them could have pulled it off as they stand now (or as they stood when the Wii was in development, even).

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.