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DialgaMarine said:
God, it's been a massacre for XB1 since Switch's release... Can't say I'm surprised; both PS4 and Switch are great platforms, and make an awesome gaming pair.

No...... its been a massacre for XB1 sales period. I mean two consoles launch within 2 weeks of eachother and one has sold twice as much as the other.

DialgaMarine said:
Intrinsic said:
Is it crazy to think that the PS4 could do 75M-77M units by the end of December 2017?

I don't think it's crazy at all; hell, I think it'll do more.  Sony is expecting 79 million sold by March 31st, which is likely a conservative estimate. If Destiny 2, GTS, CoD, and BF2 do some killer numbers this year, this holiday PS4 is going to shatter last year's record holiday sales. 


Well I at the very least expect it to do better than it did last year, especially with how its been tracking so far.75M sold by decembet this year is a more realistic estimate though.