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VGPolyglot said:
Nautilus said:
Was any of the others No more Heroes games any good?And will this be in the same scale or higher?(In terms of ambition)

The other games are considered to be pretty good, though as I haven't played them myself I can't give my own thoughts. And as this was just announced, there hasn't been much information on it yet up to this point.

I asked this because it seems that the game will take place inside that game thing of the trailer, and in the tv we see that the game is in 2D, so maybe this is a smaller project inside the no more heroes universe?But then again, that would kind of make the trailer false advertising, because of it being cinematic and such.

I dont know, I dont like Suda, so I dont have strong feelings either way, but it would be nice to know where this project stands, especially it being announced as part of the niendies showcase.

Edit:But then again, its being developed in Unreal Engine 4.Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... Given the pedigree of this franchise, Ill believe for now its the equivalent of No more Heroes 3.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.