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I miss Zarx.
JEMC probably misses him the most though. Haha


Also just got real internet back again.
Switched to the NBN FTTN (VDSL2) from ADSL 2+ and there was a line fault.

Went without internet for a good 3 days, relying on 3G via my phone (About 1.2Mbps).
Got sick of waiting, demanded my internet provider reset my VDSL port just incase it was a locked VDSL port... And whaddya' know? It all came online.
Enjoying 91/40Mbps up from 5/1Mbps.

Finally my goal of downloading and installing 600~ Steam games is going to become a reality. Just need to order a few more 4 Terabyte drives first! Haha

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--