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Just some interesting tidbits. For the month of Sept '16, when the Pro preorders went live, it finished at #5 for the month. Currently, the X is #3. However, considering it is falling, now, and with a couple more days to go, I'm not sure it will pull off a Top 5 finish. We'll have to see. As for the yearlies, I believe someone posted that the Pro debuted in the Top 50s in Sept. If true, it seems the Pro stuck around there, as it finished the year at #46. XBX is currently at #52 and will likely start falling. We'll have to see what a Pro cut will do with these results, as well.

Of course, I think what is more concerning is that the only thing in the Top 20 for XB is a $10 card. There were actually 2 games, plus that card, in the Top 20 when the Pro was up for preorder last Sept. To me that just screams that the vast majority of buyers are just going to be upgraders from the OG XBO or XBO S. Even more so than for the Pro. While that will be nice for HW sales, it doesn't really boost SW sales in the long term.