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Squilliam said:
Hey I guess that means that my prediction that the Xbox360 sales will exceed PS3 sales from July until the end of the year (Average) might come true after all.

A 30-60k boost from a pricecut in North America is all thats required to do it now.

 i dont understand your logic....are you talking WW or in NA? if NA, thats not  a bold prediction at all...if WW id say youre out of your mind. MGS4 has global appeal and is being bundled across the world on a simaltaneous release.....the PS3 will most likely outsell the 360 by 100k per week worldwide after this week for the rest of the summer if the bundle is replenished.  IMO. Your looking at, hopefully a consistant 20k in Japan for a while on average, a constant 40 or 50k in "others" and likely a good 40k in the states....again, depending on the bundle availability.