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shams said:

I have an odd feeling you are all setting yourselves up for a rather large fall...

PS3 sales next week may be +100k on this week - but the week after that? +50k? And after that?

MGS4 is no GTA... I still think most MGS fans already own a PS3.

 i disagree. MGS4 is exclusive which makes it more important and more of a deciding factor than GTA4 this generation. Also, MGS4 is getting tremendous reviews and is being bundled....we saw what a Motorstorm bundle did as far as ratio's went when we compared the software pack in. Id expect with Blu-rays current situation, GT, GTA, MGS...I think MGS4 is poised to have a pretty large impact on the sales.....its the best game BY FAR until the fall, and if Sony cares about marketshare and getting console sin homes, the bundle will last until 2009.....but then again, that makes too much sense so SOny probably wont do it.

I made a similar argument about Halo 3 based on Gears and other similar good games on the console......PLaystation wasnt known as a MGS console like the xbox was known as a halo platform.....i think you may be underestimating the connotation of MGS to sure many people who own a PS3 bought it with MGS4 in mind....but A LOT of people havent bought a PS3 (as we see with lower than expected sales since its inception) so i think theres a decent ceiling for the hardware to rise to because of MGS4.