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I remember when PS4 launched with Killzone shadow fall, knack, and later on had infamous for 2013/2014 year. Nobody called ps4 out for lack of games. In fact, I remember Sony being called a GENIUS for have no exclusive for a holiday outside of uncharted collection (if you consider that an exclusive). It was all resolution (give me 1080p or give me death, no parity, 1080p makes you a better gamer, ect). Now it's all about the Japanese exclusive all of a sudden even-though if you add up each Japanese exclusive you might get four-five million (a lot of it from Japan) in sales combined which is half of what PUBG sold (soon to be xbox exclusive).

Xbox one x not only has the bigger resolution gap, but it has way superior textures and other items. All of a sudden it's about the Japanese exclusives that Sony got at the begining of this year even though COD alone on ps4 will be more popular than all those games. And COD will run and play better on xbox one x.