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Ah, I see now. This is an "if you exclude X and exclude Y" thread. Let's start working out the kinks, I guess.

First and foremost, I think it's highly likely that the 2% of respondants who own all 3 consoles is inclusive of those who also own 2 of the 3 consoles (that is, if you own all 3, then of course you also own 2). Therefore, the total isn't 5 percent (3+2), it's simply 3 percent, which immediately knocks the total down to ~13%.

Milfey said:

"Read the article. It says 2% own 3, and 3% own 2 of the next-gen (Wii/X360/PS3) consoles."

The article does not say that. Read more carefully, please."



That's conjecture. In my experience, these studies usually are more precise. I would wager that 3% own exactly 2, and 2% own exactly 3. But again, that's conjecture just the same. ANd the article DOES say what I stated, and not what you're assuming. Why are you asking me to read it once again? I assume your browser works, but I can post the quote here if you need. What the heck...

"Finally, NPD says only three percent of respondents said they owned two of the three next-gen consoles, and only 2 percent said they owned all three."

Pretty sure that's what I said previously. You're supposing that the 3% includes the 2%, and I'm not, because it would say so if it did. The headline of the article is meaningless as well. That's a news report, not the study.

Its a shame no one has the entire study and can post the real info, not just the culled crap from Gamasutra.