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Bodhesatva said:
Mifely said:

According to this study:

only 3% of respondents said they owned two of (Wii/X360/PS3) and 2% said they owned all three. Respondents refers to the entire study, which was on gaming in general. Some 72% of respondents said they played games. If all of those respondents were next-gen console gamers (I'm guessing many were PC gamers, or did not own a next-gen console at all) that "5% own-more-than-one" is really nearly 7% of gamers.

The study actually implies that 5% of the US owns more than one, which may imply that a huge % of next-gen owners own more than one. Since the entirety of the 72% which owned games did not likely own a next-gen console.... that percentage of next-gen console owners, who own more than one, could be much more signifigant than many have surmised.


Does anyone have the actual study, and can lay down the real numbers? In other words, does anyone know what % of the respondents owned at least one next-gen console?

This study has been used for a lot of bad science on this site... it'd be nice to have it cleared up.

How did you reach these conclusions? It directly states 2-3% own more than one of 360/PS3/Wii. I can't even follow the number massaging you've done here to take a very direct, clear statement: 2-3% of the population owns multiple next gen consoles, and then somehow translate this into "7% own more than one."


Are you including PC in the "own more than one?" Title? Or previous gen consoles, as well? Is this a "if you exclude all the people who don't play games, and then also exclude everyone who doesn't own a next gen console, and then exclude..." type of post?

 for some reason, mifely figured 7% out from 5%/72%.. which doesn't make sense since it says 72% says they played games, not that they owned consoles