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Mifely said:
Some guessing, until someone can fill in the real numbers:

Approx # of households in the US: 95 million
Number of (Wii/X360/PS3) consoles sold in the US: 28.67 million
Percentage of households which own multiple consoles, if the study was a decent sample: 5%

0.05 * 95 mil = 2.85 mil (3% own 2) + 1.9 mil (2% own 3) = 4.75 mil.
1.9 * 3 = 5.7 million consoles in 3-console households
2.85 * 2 = 5.7 million consoles in 2-console househoulds

== 11.4 million consoles in multi-console environments

11.4 / 28.67 == 39.763% of next-gen console owners own more than one next gen console.

nearly 40%... that's alot. That seems like it would have a huge impact on cross-platform sales.

Does that seem correct? If I'm not mistaken, those "America" numbers might account for all of North America, and not just the US... not sure how that would change the numbers, but... would it make it smaller? larger? Not sure.

 Ah hold on a sec... this isn't quite correct.


those 2 and 3 console households only count as a single owner... thus:

 Approx # of households in the US: 95 million
Number of (Wii/X360/PS3) consoles sold in the US: 28.67 million
Percentage of households which own multiple consoles, if the study was a decent sample: 5%

0.05 * 95 mil = 2.85 mil (3% own 2) + 1.9 mil (2% own 3) = 4.75 mil.
1.9 * 3 = 5.7 million consoles in 3-console households
2.85 * 2 = 5.7 million consoles in 2-console househoulds

== 11.4 million consoles in multi-console environments

28.67 million - 11.4 million == 17.27 mil households with one next-gen console

+ 1.9 million with 3

+ 2.85 million with 2

==  22.02 million households with next gen consoles

4.75 / 22.02 == 21.57% of next-gen console owners own more than one next gen console.