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I think the SNES issue was going to happen, a time limited launch like the Classic NES and the success of $$ given to scalpers where systems go for over $200, along with its the company that is putting them up for preorders issue (BB, Gamestop, etc.) that is letting out preorders in some cases without restrictions, rather than Nintendo's issue. 

No matter the amount that was released during the launch. Scalpers will buy as much as they possibly can in order to make huge profits. I seen screenshots of people boasting of orders for 100+ for the SNES classic on Amazon when preorders went up (look at Wario64's twitter when he announced preorders were up and scroll through some of the comments). It's that crazy. People were releasing scripts that would run and auto buy it from Walmart when it went up. If Nintendo released 2m at launch, Scalpers would buy 2m if they could just to resell it on eBay, etc. If Nintendo was somehow able to release 10m at launch, then the 10m preorders would still be out because of scalpers wanting to make as much $$ as possible.

I was lucky enough to be able to get in a preorder through Best Buy when it went up. They did the correct thing and cancelled all orders for people that went over 2-3 SNES classics total.