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Kudistos Megistos said:
Ka-pi96 said:

How come so many people are unable to spell simple words?

Because people (especially, in my experience, native English speakers) are insecure and refuse to be corrected. Instead of thinking that you're being helpful by telling them about proper usage, they take it as a personal insult and become aggressive. This means they usually don't get corrected because most people are afraid of starting a fight with them, and even when they are corrected, they throw a tantrum at the person for pointing out their mistake instead of trying to fix their error and learn from it.

In short, people who continue to make simple errors usually regard their sense of pride as being more important than self-improvement and communication skills. Ironically, the obsession with saving face makes them look much worse in the long run.

It depends how you go about doing it. Some people mock or laugh/make fun of others for their errors, which is obviously not the way to go about doing it.