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I'll probably add to the list later on in time, but here goes.


As much as I like the MG franchise, it's quite overrated as hell and praised too often for following the same kind of plot twists and tropes.

JRPG's, like some WRPG's end up copying the same formula and keeping things stale here and there. Both are guilty of copy+pasting the same ideas over the years.

Despite me liking my gameplay of FF XIV, it still plays like every other MMO, but it lacks more voice acting that WoW managed to do more of in recent years. Visually it's nice, but it was also bogged down my last gen systems and thus it's focus on FF style visuals ends up being hampered for it.

I dislike Real time Tactic games (outside of a few old titles from back in the day), because I feel they slow things down compared to real time strategy.

Turn based RPG's I feel are bogged down on purpose, rather than switching it up with real time actions and consequences.

The latest Resident Evil game doesn't feel like the original Resi 1-3 titles at all to me.

AAA games don't really feel like AAA anymore, not with the delays, the budgets being used in the wrong manner and the high asking price but lesser quality trade off.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"