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Aiemond said:

I posted this on another thread but I think it deserves its own. This explains, imo, from a bussiness standpoint why MS is seemingly throwing away money in japan.


Yes. It does benifit MS and really thats the only winner here. I said in another thread though, this makes perfect sense for microsoft. And....its a winning strategy.


But MS is dead in Japan!


Yup, it is. And this is not going to save it. So why is MS shelling out all this cash? The same reason that it got in the console market in the first place. To prevent Sony from having a multimedia hub in the living room with little competition.


"But, they are loosing so much money!"


Yes, they are in the short term (and don't forget how much they have in other divisions). But to them, this is a win in the long term. They see Sony's big botch this generation and are on it like a shark that smells blood in the water. This is the generation that MS feels it can kill PS...or at least SEVERELY weaken it.


"How are they weakening it?"No one is buying xbox in Japan."

Well, they are doing this by preventing the popular games in Japan from being on the Sony system. Thus, Japanese owners have no interest in buying the PS3, especially when DS is so strong. And since many gaming trends begin in Japan, this may also trickle over to the other terretories as well. HD is strong here atm (compared to japan) but how long will that last? The fact is, MS considers anything that hurts the ps3 a win. If the PS3 died and the xbox died as well while the wii rose to the heavens MS would be ok with it. Thier goal for entering the console market would have been met. Of course, thier best case scenario is Xbox360 domination, but that is not the only "win" for them. So, no matter how it sells, MS sees buying major JRPGs for the 360 as a win by preventing Sony from having them, thereby leading to lower PS3 sales and thus preventing the PS brand from becoming a major living room multimedia hub. The End.


P.S. I'm the final cylon :P


 And whats stopping nintendo from taking the playstation void with the wii 2. What would M$ do then? Throw more money away? Good luck to M$ shareholders, I guess Bill Gates is the only one who really counts

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler