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Pemalite said:
JEMC said:


Starcraft 2 Has “Major Design Changes” in the Pipeline
Just recently Blizzard released their remastered version of the original Starcraft, now they have turned their attention to the sequel in the franchise saying that their is “Major Design Changes” to the games multiplayer mode.

And StarCraft: Remastered is superior to StarCraft 2 in my eyes.

I like both SCII and the Remaster of 1, but I find that the frist remaster has it's own issues, like SCV's that do nothing when when starting a match (SCII fixed this as a QoL fix to make them do something as soon as they are created), or the unit path finding AI, which still seems to be stuck in the past, meaning I'm having to spend more time clicking in the same area to get a unit to find it's way. Then of course there is the original perspective view of the game, where I cannot place a bunker because part of it's grid clashes with either a tree or the minerals, in SCII the grid was more tight and defined.

Like I said, I like both, but I don't consider the remaster to being superior to II in every way.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"