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"A reliable source from the popular gaming industry dicussion forum, neoGAF, has reported details concerning the questioned installs times in Metal Gear Solid 4.

Periodic installations will occur as you play through each act of the story. Below are the specific install times below for each segment of the title.

Start-up: 8 Minutes
Act 2: 3 Minutes
Act 3: 3 Minutes
Act 4: 2 Minutes
Act 5: 1 Minute

The total install size is set at roughly 4.6GBs of data.

Unlike similar games though, MGS4 won’t just have you sitting around whilt the data slooooooowly installs itself onto your hard-drive.Instead, you’ll be treated to conversations between characters as the data is written to your PS3, making the whole experience seamless."

 - Source