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Coffee Lake will be using "1151" pins. But won't be compatible with the "1151" socket.
That's going to confuse a ton of people.

Coffee Lake i5 8600K and i7 8600K should give Ryzen 5 1600/1600X a sound beating, not just in single threaded scenario's, but multi-threaded as well which is where Ryzen typically dominates.

The Core i3 8350K should beat the Ryzen 3 1200, 1300X, Ryzen 5 1400 and 1500X.

Don't be surprised if AMD cuts pricing and re-aligns their entire product stack.

The Core i5 8600K could be the next "5 year" CPU, just like the Core i5 2500K, Core 2 Quad Q6600 etc' ended up being, if you are running an older CPU, that is the chip to get in my eyes.

In the span of 6 months we have essentially seen performance jump 50% and prices drop across the board. All thanks to AMD.
This is why Competition is a good thing and being brand-loyal is not a good thing.


Also. Vegas pricing is garbage right now. Shame on AMD.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--