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Hawkeye said:


 When does this start happening? I am 17 now, and most games feel exciting and fresh, and least for a while. Brawls freshness ran out after 2 months, which is a lot worse than Melee (felt novel for YEARS) but its still there..



It happens exactly 3 months after you turn 18! All games will seem drab and unplayable, and you will realize that there are things in life much more important than gaming.

Seriously though, I still love gaming. I mean, I really love it. I read everything I get my hands on about it, and I go in stores just looking at the covers. I play with my friends a lot. It's just that most games have lost a lot of it's appeal.

There are still gems out there, SMG for one,  and boom blox. I also really, REALLY enjoyed Phoenix wright, but that was mainly because it was like reading a really good book.

Don't worry though, it might not happen to you, and if it does it won't really be that bad.



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