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Hideo Kojima thanks Konami

Have Hideo Kojima Konami mended fences?

No, really!

In case you haven't been keeping tabs on gaming news in the past few years, you might not have heard that Konami and legendary game designer Hideo Kojima had a bit of a falling out. Words were said, even Hollywood directors got involved, and it was just a mess. 

While most people might think that Hideo Kojima still holds a grudge against his former employers, it seems the Metal Gear Solid franchise creator has moved on. Speaking to Japanese website Toyokeizai (via Kotaku), Kojima thanked Konami for letting him make the games he wanted to create.

What I’m grateful Konami for is that when I proposed something I wanted to make, they let me make it. Conversely, I wasn’t bound by them saying, ‘You need to do it like this.

Kojima says "kansha shite iru" which, when translated, means "being thankful" or "being grateful."

Hideo Kojima's next project is the upcoming game "Death Stranding" and is due for release sometime in 2019. Of course, this being Kojima, don't be surprised if Death Stranding suffers a delay or two. I mean, we didn't even get to see it at E3, even if development is "going well."