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LOL, man that list caused some controversy.

My list -

1. Quake (Nothing can beat that initial experience of awesome online play that this game brought about, and then the TF mod came out and it started all over again)
2. Halo 3 (best console multi-player out now, and yes I have played COD4)
3. Bioshock (Awesome story, great graphics)
4. Tribes (huge levels and coop vehicles)
5. Unreal Tournament (smooth as silk gunplay)
6. Half-life (Great game but I do not care for the artistic design)
7. Doom 2 (Also provided some deathmatch and coop fun)

Duke Nuken 3D should not be on anyone's top 10 list. Quake was an immensly better game from both a technical and gameplay standpoint.