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Hiku said:
morenoingrato said:

IDK about Cersei, with the pregnancy and the ceasing of hostilities it seems she'll live to see Season 8. I was almost certain she was going to die this Season before it started.

Since the witch's prophecy was that Cersei would only have 3 children, it seems like Cercei will die before she gives birth to this one. So I don't think the pregnancy extends her lifespan in the show. If anything it sets the timer for her death at the hands of her brother. (Probably Jaime)
But I think she'll still make it to the next season regardless.

Well as many have noted, we are in skip time mode. I don't mind if episodes are taking place over months due to travel, but they need to keep that in mind with her pregnancy.

Jon Snow better not be traveling from say the wall, back to dragonstone, to the wall, to winterfell, to kings landing, to the wall, ect alll while Cersi still is in the first trimester or something. We need to see her belly grow in leaps and bounds for each major travel. That woudl help to ease peoples time travel I woudl think. It woudl help show that, yes, time is moving for everyone and no one is teleporting.