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I found the 3DS a terrible handheld imo. That said, it did have some really good games. I'll make a list of my favorites with short impressions, maybe it can inspire you to take a look at them.

Ocarina of Time 3D: great game with some fantastic dungeon designs. Not the best Zelda ever but you can't go wrong with this.

Majora's Mask 3D: one of the best Zelda games ever and definitely better than Ocarina of Time. It has some great concepts and easily the best side-quests in the entire franchise.

A Link Between Worlds: I really love the wall painting mechanic and this is easily my favorite 2D Zelda game. Not a fan of the art-style, but the gameplay is amazing. I've probably finished this game about four times by now.

Fire Emblem Awakening: I suggest you skip this one, the story is forgettable, graphics are ugly and the gameplay is too easy.

Fire Emblem Fates - Conquest: now this is a great game! Improved graphics and varied and challenging gameplay. Interesting characters and while the story is nothing that will blow you away, it's at least better than Awakening.

Pokémon Sun & Moon; definitely the best Pokémon game on the 3DS. It has some great Pokémon designs and the graphics look good. Tutorials in the beginning are annoying though and there's little post-game content.

I played Xenoblade Chronicles on the Wii, but it's my favorite Wii game, so that says enough. 

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides