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Two bad news, one from AMD and one from Nvidia:


AMD's RX 64 Launch pricing was only for "early sales"
When AMD first revealed their RX Vega 64 reference design, many were pleased with AMD's listed MSRP of $499 (£449 in the UK), placing AMD's GPU in line with some of the cheapest Nvidia GTX 1080 offerings today.

Yesterday when AMD's RX Vega 64 GPU launched, this pricing didn't hold for any reasonable length of time, with prices increasing within an hour of Vega's retail release. Many, including ourselves, assumed that this was due to demand but now it has been revealed that this was an intentional price increase, not from retailers but from AMD themselves.

Below is a quote from Overclockers UK's Gibbo, who reported that AMD's £449.99 price tag for their RX Vega 64 was "launch only" pricing. This price only applied to the retailer's initial allotment of RX Vega 64 Black standalone GPUs, with AMD giving gamers a £100 discount as some form of an "early adopter" discount.

"Now the good and bad news, the good news is AMD are rebating early launch sales to allow us to hit £449.99 on the stand alone black card which has no games. This is a launch only price which AMD at present are saying will be withdrawn in the near future, when if it happens is unknown, but remember do not be shocked if the price jumps nearly £100 in a few days."


Full Gibbo's post is here:

That's terrible if true.


Nvidia's next-gen Volta gaming GPUs aren't arriving anytime soon
At some time in the future, Nvidia will cook up new graphics cards based on its next-generation Volta GPU architecture. The question is, when? Nvidia has not announced a release date, though company boss Jensen Huang did put to rest any rumors that Volta might arrive in the gaming scene before the end of the year. That's not going to happen.

"Volta for gaming, we haven't announced anything. And all I can say is that our pipeline is filled with some exciting new toys for the gamers, and we have some really exciting new technology to offer them in the pipeline. But for the holiday season for the foreseeable future, I think Pascal is just unbeatable," Huang stated during a recent earnings call.


Well, he's right when he says that Pascal is more than enough, specially now that Vega has launched and we can see how they compare.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.