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Teeqoz said:
Guys I think I got cancer at work today.

A co-worker of mine started saying that AMD CPUs had always been better for gaming than intel CPUs. I told him that you might be able to make that claim for Ryzen (possibly), but that there's no way in hell you could claim that AMD's CPUs beat Intel in gaming before that, unless you go over a decade back. And he just denied it. So I asked him why Intel CPUs always beat AMD CPUs in benchmarks and he told me it didn't matter because the human eye can't see over 30 fps anyway. And this was coming from a PC gamer.


So you work with a smartass. I'm sorry for you, they can be quite irritating.


fatslob-:O said:
JEMC said:
Here's a roundup of Vega reviews:

As Pemalite has said, Vega 56 is on par with a 1070, and the Vega 64 trades blows with the 1080. It's also worth noting that in Vulkan and DX12 games, Vega 56 is consistently faster than the 1070.

Not surprised ...

I keep hearing reviews mentioning the rapid packed math feature but no games are using it accept for two upcoming titles so far ... (No reviewers are ever going to give the benefit of doubt for unreleased games.)

I posted an article about games that will use that feature last week: Wolfenstein 2 & Far Cry 5 will support AMD’s RX Vega exclusive feature, Rapid Packed Math. Far Cry 5 is remarkable because it's an Ubisoft title and the french publisher usually favors Nvidia and Gameworks. DICE will probably also use it as they tend to go with AMD (much like Epic is the go to studio for Nvidia, so is DICE for AMD).

But yeah, we'll have to wait until they launch to see if that makes any difference compared to their Nvidia counterparts.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.