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Bodhesatva said:

Any post that starts with "let's face it," as its primary means of evidenciary exposition is practically never worth my time. Also included are these:

"Let's be honest"
"Just face it"
"Only [Xbox/PS/Nintendo] Fanboys would deny that..."

I'm pretty tired of the notion that the PS3 is some slumbering behemoth on the verge of waking up and rampaging to dominance; it clearly isn't what is happening and there's no empirical evidence to suggest it will.

Back in reality, the PS3 is selling slightly better than the 360 overall, and the Wii is creaming both of them in all three territories. It's entirely possible, if not likely, that the PS3 will eventually outsell the 360 worldwide; but it will do so exactly as it is doing now, by slowly catching up. If that's the difference between a system with "potential to grow its userbase" and one that is incapable of growth, you have some pretty funny definitions.

It's like those weeks in America or Europe where the 360 beats the PS3 by 10% sales, and people say "360 is dominating the PS3!" Come on, guys. They're basically mirror images of each other now, both in terms of library and in terms of sales. It will take the PS3 years to catch up at the rate it's been going -- literally years. I'll use my favorite terms again to point out the absurdity of this argument:

PS3 is dominating second place!
PS3 will command all the marketshare not taken by its competitors!
PS3 will completely outsell everything except the systems that sell more than it!


 This is the single and only post in this thread which is realistic. The only one that makes sense and has any proof to back it up. All the rest have no proof or substances. 100% agree with this post. :)^