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Pemalite said:

That is certainly overkill! You would be restricted to playing old games if you want the most out of it.


In other news. Vega has arrived.

Vega 56 is generally better than the Geforce 1070.
Vega 64 is generally better than the Geforce 1080.

However when Vega's performance tanks, it really tanks where the Geforce 1070 will beat Vega 64.

The Geforce 1080 Ti is still king. Titan XP laughs at them all.

Where AMD looses soundly is power consumption.
To say I am saddened is an understatement.


JEMC said:
Here's a roundup of Vega reviews:

As Pemalite has said, Vega 56 is on par with a 1070, and the Vega 64 trades blows with the 1080. It's also worth noting that in Vulkan and DX12 games, Vega 56 is consistently faster than the 1070.


Not surprised ...

I keep hearing reviews mentioning the rapid packed math feature but no games are using it accept for two upcoming titles so far ... (No reviewers are ever going to give the benefit of doubt for unreleased games.)