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The writing was really bad with several groan moments that felt straight from fan page ("I thought you were still rowing." Ha ha.) rather than the story. When I spoke to Martin years ago he talked about how after Lord of the Rings hit big Hollywood came knocking and wanted to condense the seven books into three movies and cut 3/4 of the content just slapped dashing it together. This is how the recent season have felt and this episode was another teleport and bad dialog mix that is really off putting. It is pretty sad when Randall Tarley of all people was my favorite character in the whole episode and he gets set on fire by Dany who has become less likable. Her whole "break the wheel" is just nonsense and shows the show writers wanting to insert 21st century ideals into a world on par with the middle ages of Europe.

Now for my positive remark, I liked the ominous march of the dead (the only people who travel at normal speed) and the stillness despite the scale of the march. Also Gilly reading about Rhaegar annulment to Elia and marriage of Lyanna being recorded piqued my interest.
