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shams said:
rukusa said:

Million said:

What the fuck is SCEJ doing.

Im thinking the same. The saturation of JRPGs on the PS3 is ridiculous.

I swear to god they just keep missing the opportunities again and again and again...

... fuck this. I always wanted to play Gears of War, Dead Rising and much other shit on the 360. Even if this proves not to be only on the 360 I'll still be getting one.

For Sony's sake I hope they show some mega good shit on their E3 and Sony premiere event to make keep my PS3.

From the looks of it Sony is about to lose one of their biggest supporters.

Show me Parasite Eve sequel on the PS3 ONLY and I'll consider Sony "saved". Fuck you SCEJ.

I'm not sure you guys understand Sony, and how their strategy has changed over the last couple of years. This is factual, and I'll summarize:

 - Sony sick of profits going up/down (SCEE division) so much

 - Sony jealous of Nintendo, huge profits - minimal risk

 - Nintendo's strategy - make money off "1st-party" software, rather than just publishing fees & hardware

 - Sony adopting Ninty's strategy:

    - picking up lots of dev studios, all in-house

    - making lots of "big" games in-house, intend to be a BIG publisher (content) in their own right

    - screw 3rd-party devs, too much headache - not enough profit


And that is basically it. Sony are moving from a hardware company to a software/content company (like Ninty is). This  means they don't care about 3rd-party devs as much, and definitely won't be giving them the love they used to.

MS *is* the new Sony - because the only way they can break into the industry, and stay here - is by "buying" titles for their platform. Be assured MS is shelling out a lot of money for each title you see - because they will make the money back, and because money << titles (as far as MS are concerned).


And it was also well known what.. 3-4 years ago...? that the primary aim of the 360 was to weaken the Playstation brand (Sony's living room domination). They don't have to win, just bring Sony down to a level that they can compete successfully in the long term. Seems to be working pretty well.


Its also a sign of maturity (or lack of) of the readers here that they CARE about exclusives. Who cares, honestly? The PS3 will almost certainly get SO4 - so who cares if they 360 gets it as well? Enjoy the games you get, and be happy that more titles are going cross platform (i.e. Bioshock).

The days of a single platform dominating (PS2) are well and truly over. 

 Except they started doing that at the beginning of LAST generation.  So far this gen, they've only picked up Evolution Studios.  Most of their big purchases happened over the previous two gens (Naughty Dog, Zipper, Incognito, etc.).