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Dark_Lord_2008 said:
An employer does not need to state reasons for firing an employee. Business is just business and it is just capitalism. Google is a business and it is a capitalist system. The employees making noise, should remain silent or else they can be fired for being disruptive.

I agreed with the guy but this 100%. If you have a problem with your company publicly trying to out them is not the way to handle it. Privately talk to them about it or find another company. My company was paying me very little money at one point. I got an IT certification, 2 weeks later we had a meeting saying we would get raises if we got certifications. 2 weeks later I still didn't see or have anyone talk to me about a raise.

There was a few ways I could have handled this situaton but I already felt disrespect an unappareciated. I sent out resumes and got a company to pay over double what I was making. My company asked what it was the day before my last day and said they couldn't match it (nor would I have accepeted a simple matching of the offer).

3 years later I had the company emailing me to see if I could come back because they were having trouble finding employees that would stick around and that were reliable. I was with them for 4 years so they knew I was reliable. I did interview with them and got them to give me an offer which I should to my current company who offered me $8,000 more to stay. So I stayed.

My point is people like this guy have options why waste your time complaining when you dont even have to be there and can just find a diferrent company that falls more in line with your thinking.