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Anyone who thinks Metroid Prime 4 is coming out in 2018 needs to be drug out into the street and smacked with a manhole cover.  No way that is going to happen.  This is the same company that LIED numerous times about the release of Zelda: BOTW.  All major Nintendo IPs take many years for development.  Don't expect to see Metroid until 2019 atthe earliest.

Also, you cannot MAKE a killer-app.  It just sort of "happens."  Usually it is with an engaing pack-in launch title as was the case with Super Mario Bros. on the NES and Wii Sports with the Wii.  Sometimes it can be with game released later on such as Brain Age and Nintendogs for the DS.  Whoever said that Nintendo front-loaded the Switch with a lot of major IP to ensure sales is true.  It will be interesting to see what the Switch does when there aren't a boat-load of major IP games releasing within months of each other.  All console start off great.  Even the Wii U did.  The long-term is what matters.  12-18 months from now if the Switch is still selling as good as it has been, then Nintendo has a winner on it's hands.  Not before.