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I'll just answer to one of the statements that cracked me up the most because the article is a mess:

I don't understand why people complain about sailing in Wind Waker but suddenly love running around grassy plains and climbing rocks that take five times as long as sailing between islands did

The fact is that you can't just run aimlessly in BotW, you can ride a horse, you can paraglide, you can  generate an updrift in order to surpass mountains, you can freeze a Rock, jump on it and make it fly across Hyrule for fast travel, you can use a Desert Seal to Surf in the dunes, you  can snowboard, you can use two rail wagons to make a flying machine that can bring you to the boundaries of Hyrule. On top of that you can Teleport. And yet people run aimlessly because they know that anywere they'll go they'll find something to do.