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I've never been a fan of the term "overrated." It's one of those open phrases that doesn't really mean anything...other than "other people like this more than I like it! Overrated!" Worse is the crowd that assumes the term instantly is a negative, rather than just a comparative term.

Opinions are entirely subjective, as are ratings. Breath of the Wild isn't perfect, but what people tend to forget is that ratings don't always start at 10 and go down based on fault, they generally start at 0 and are ranked up based on merit. In that context, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the game's extremely high praise. Any faults it has are heavily overshadowed by what it does right...or at least this seems to be the standpoint of the vast majority. Sharing or disagreeing with a majority opinion isn't wrong...because a game's rating certainly isn't a static quality to begin with.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334