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Errorist76 said:
Nautilus said:
Persona 5.

And Nier Automata isnt a PS4 exclusive.I know it has been repeated and it says that it includes console exclusivity, but conxole exclusivity is such an ridiculous concept.Either its exclusive, or its not.

I does matter. By your logic XBox doesn't have any exclusives anymore...PC and console target groups might overlap to a certain degree but they aren't the same. Therefore it matters.

But XBox dosent have exclusives anymore.I mean, I think Halo 5 is still only available on the XOne and maybe one or another title, but yeah, no more exclusives.Dosent mean that the XOne is not a good product.Exclusivity means that a product is exclusive to either a product or an ecosystem.Console exclusivity is a silly marketing maneuver to make games more desirable and thus, makes the system more desirable.But that term simply butchers the term exclusive.

I mean, look no further than this year E3 MS presentation and the mess that was that the whole "console launch exclusive" and similar terms.Its getting beyond ridiculous.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.