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There is no myth.

By now core gamers need to realise that we are simply not the majority in our hobby and have never been. Behind every successful gaming console that attracted core gamers, it attracted even more casual gamers who bought the product because of a feature and or game which back then was all the hype whether it was a cd player, dvd player, 4 player funcionality, online play, motion controls, Super Mario Bros., Tetris, Pokemon, GTA, Gran Turismo, Wii Sports or Kinect Sports you name it.

Another reason the PS2 was so succesful is because it released at the right time when internet was not a daily life neccessity, (not like today anyways) no smarthpones, no tablets, no heavy focus on social media, no youtube, hell we were still using Internet Explorer. So yes it had a huge advantage over other consoles and other multimedia products in general because of it's good pricing, Sony's good reputation and mainstream place in the gaming market it was seen as a console not just for kids but for everyone, for those who wanted to play RPGs, shooters, racers and for those who just wanted to play Eyetoy and FiFA once in a while and then watch a movie with their friends.